Organizational Development

Organizational Development is the process and competence that helps developing organization and culture, facilitating personal development. It helps organizations to build their capacity to change: improve, innovate and re-direct, balanced by skillful Leadership. Thus achieving greater effectiveness by developing, improving and reinforcing strategies, structures, processes, goals and objectives, and programs.

In numerous development and production environments the organization is struggling:

  • ‘I was always ambitious but unaware of the consequence of becoming management’. Pressure from above, disappointed team members.
  • ‘Technically I’m skilled but how to trigger change and improvements’? The strain, sometimes loneliness;
  • ‘I’m encouraged to be a Leader’. To involve, inspire and challenge is key. As is the ability to plan, organize, delegate, coordinate and follow up;
  • Management is under constant pressure to develop, improve, innovate, maybe re-direct. Increasing turnover, improving profit, or contribution, value, impact, time to market. To name a few;
  • Dealing with organizational development budget cuts. No real help or support, maybe corporate programs. While inefficiency is substantial;
  • Pressure because of a strained labor market, lacking competences and experience due to an aging workforce;
  • As an organization maybe not fit for purpose. Or lacking maturity, implemented processes, management systems, KPI’s, data;
  • The Human Capital feeling ignored and neglected, not being heard;
  • And the difficulty to walk the talk, to confront your own inabilities.

Organizational Development

Sincere and real issues. To be addressed earnestly. At the same time, with personal leadership, conviction, courage it’s possible to step up and start working on your organizational development.

Ask yourself who you -as an organization- are, what you do, how you do it and why? Are you aspiring a vision, mission, strategy, tactics, management behavior, focusing on doing things right. Or a vision, values, culture, cooperation, inspiring leadership behavior, focusing on doing the right things?

What are your needs and challenges, desired results and impact? And what is the organizational, cultural and personal development it asks for.

What is the status and condition of your ‘OPS’: organization, processes and management systems, are they fit for purpose.

How do these and leadership, management quality, human capital, P&L-impact interconnect.

Is there the beginning of a plan and a business case, the former generating credibility, the latter the logic to do it. Starting with the quick wins.

There are many change management methodologies i.e. ways for organizational development. How we as PDM work, is with you. From the ground up if necessary. Up to all operational levels including the shop floor. Back to the original building blocks, affirming, redesigning or replacing them, designing new interconnections. Triggering value and impact. Creating a shared vision, with a plan, business case and KPI’s.

With skilled analists, designers, coaches and project or program management. Aiming at empowering your drive to develop, improve and move forward. Working with your expertise and insights regarding opportunities, improvements and innovations. Complemented with our ability to build change and create impact. And infused with our expertise in the fields of D&E, manufacturing engineering, production, asset management, maintenance, turnarounds, operations. Understanding you and organizational development.

With one goal: achieve agreed-upon, measurable and sustainable results. Ultimately strengthening and accelerating your strategic execution, course of action, or roadmap. Helping you and your team to develop successful, powerful, and in charge of your challenges, goals and ambitions.