Cookie Policy

Google Analytics
We use Google Analytics to study how users interact with our website. General visitor data is collected, including IP addresses, request times, and browser-provided information. We use this data to analyze visit and click behavior to improve our website’s functionality. This data is anonymized as much as possible and is not shared with third parties. However, Google transfers the obtained information to servers in the United States and stores the data. We have not given Google permission to use the data for other Google services. Google may share this information with third parties if legally obligated or if third parties process the data on Google’s behalf. PDM has no control over this.

Google reCAPTCHA
We use Google Inc.’s (Google) reCAPTCHA service to protect the data sent via this website. This feature verifies whether a message is being sent by a human to prevent ‘spam bots’ from sending messages or leaving comments automatically. The visitor’s IP address and possibly other data are sent to enable reCAPTCHA to function. The content of the message is forwarded to and processed by Google. The IP address is anonymized in EU member states and countries in the European Economic Area agreement. In rare cases, an IP address may be fully transmitted to a Google server in the United States and anonymized there. On behalf of this website’s owner, Google uses this information to evaluate your use of this service. The IP address provided by reCAPTCHA has not been merged with other Google data. By using reCAPTCHA, users agree to Google’s data processing as described above.

The collection of this data is subject to Google’s data protection rules. More information on Google’s privacy policy can be found here.

We use Hotjar to improve the user experience on our website. The Hotjar cookie tracks where users click on the site. Hotjar does not share any information with third parties. View the Hotjar Privacy Statement.