Asset Management

Asset Management at its core is about creating value. Through assets, as a means to an end. The correct selection of assets, maintained and developed on basis of a strategy, risk management and priorities. Balancing risks, performance and costs.

Mature asset management brings organizations together. It creates common goals, reducing the almost inevitable silo’s within organizations. That is what bringing professionals together to develop a common goal achieves: the creation of shared visions, priorities and activities. Common goals are a necessity, but preferably embedded in a shared intent, motivation and belief.

This emphasis on creating value and on the desired result of ‘bringing together’ is because asset management is strategic for a production company.

Assets are a means to an end only. Meaning they will create value, if managed well. If not, they potentially become a risk, backfiring. And in this definition assets are buildings, clean rooms, machines, production lines, but also research, development, processes, organizational structures, management and IT-systems, human capital, culture and behavior, skills and competences. They all have a significant role -together- in creating value: products, turnover and profit, reputation, intellectual property, expertise and experience, connected and motivated human capital, culture. Leading to results, measured in form of facts, but perceptions as well.

Effective asset management considers the entire life cycle of an asset, assessing both the total costs and benefits. It also aligns with the organization’s objectives, taking into account the impact on health, safety, and the environment. Leading towards a clear, broad and deep insight. Resulting in thorough, balanced and high quality decision taking. To do so methodologies such as value chain analysis,  operational excellence, RCM, LTAP, life cycle analysis are employed.

This is an introduction only. Signifying the strategic level and therefore the importance of the necessary shared iterations of an organization in developing and executing high quality asset management. We at PDM cover the product & asset life cycle cradle to cradle as explained in our different expertise’s. And have the expertise, experience, methodologies and skills to assist you in your journey towards professional and mature asset management.

Asset Management Framework
IAM Model