BEMAS Workshop: Create and anchor change

The fourth and final workshop in our exclusive series, “Preparing Your Manufacturing Company for Today, Tomorrow, and the Future,” organized by PDM in collaboration with BEMAS, will be held on December 5th. This workshop will focus on Sustainable Implementation and will consolidate all the topics discussed in the previous three workshops. It’s an opportunity to translate insights, visions, and experiences into practical and phased implementation strategies.

As a producer, you are aware of the challenges and opportunities that the future brings. In this workshop, it is time to integrate your developed knowledge of the Industrial Excellence philosophy, Product Lifecycle Management, Change Management, and Leadership into a specific, implementation-oriented roadmap for your organization.


Successfully implementing a change involves more than just introducing a new intervention. It’s a step-by-step process with several phases. Throughout this process, the user goes through a specific change, and as a result, they want, can, and will work with the innovation.

Managers play a crucial role in change processes. On the one hand, they give direction to change. On the other hand, they often show resistance to fundamental changes in structure and culture.

Implementation refers to the planned process of introducing an innovation or change. The primary objective is for the shift to become integrated into the daily activities and operations of the organization or the structure of the sector. The ultimate goal is for the innovation to result in an improvement. Implementation encompasses working agreements, processes, activities, and measures that facilitate the desired change or improvement.


You can have the most advanced technology in the world, but technology alone does not bring about change. Ultimately, technology is about people. Research shows that successful changes primarily involve social innovation and are often triggered by the implementation of technology. Therefore, you need support. No matter how good your idea is, people drive innovation.


In the upcoming workshop, our experts will be covering the development of an organizational change approach and the building blocks of a phased implementation approach. They will delve deeper into this topic and assist you in creating a high-level roadmap and a phased implementation approach tailored to your company’s specific requirements.

Interested? Get a sense of the ambiance:




5 December 2024